Thursday, May 14, 2009

O Happy day!


From my front door to yours!!!

Spring is here and we have been busy cleaning up the yard,

hanging wreaths that scream summer,

and planting flowers!

I can't wait to enjoy the summer with no schedules,

going to the pool,

spending time as a family,

and sipping lemonade on my front porch!

I heart summer!!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Balloon Fun........

Scroll down to the bottom and mute the volume.
You have to listen to Cooper giggling in this video!!!!!
What joy a balloon can bring!
What joy he brings to his momma's heart.....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Broken bones....

Well, it happened AGAIN.....

Campbell broke his arm for the 3rd
time. yes, I said 3rd!
Not only is it his 3rd time,
but his 3rd time breaking both bones in his left arm,
and the 2ND time at SCHOOL, on
the playground!

So here is the happenings illustrated by a fellow classmate.....

Translation: During recess, Campbell was being chased and decided to jump off the slide and landed on his left arm and broke it and his arm really did look like the drawing.

Campbell's teacher came by to visit and brought him cards that his classmates made for him and also a stuffed otter and t-shirt from the zoo field trip he missed.

He was soooo disappointed about missing the field trip!

So Campbell decided to write his class a thank-you card:

(love the arm illustrations)

Sorry to tell ya Campbell that I

think I will start wrapping you up in

bubble wrap before sending you off to school!!!

Get better soon buddy!!!!