Monday, September 28, 2009


Cooper LOVES his little lunch box Nana Deb sent to him!
He was so excited to take his OWN lunch when we
went to eat lunch with Campbell at school!
HE had to carry it from the house,
in the car,
and into the school!
and he surprisingly didn't open it and eat it all
before we got to the school!

Let's dig in!!!!!!!
Boy, I sure do love these boys!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Campbell is 9!!!!!

As I interviewed Cambpell on this morning of his 9th birthday I asked him What do
you want to be when you get big?
He says "a pro football player but if I have to retire early, a doctor!"
Happy 9th Birthday
to our future football player!
I had to share this picture of him b/c it goes along well with the story of the day
I went into labor with him, which he LOVES to hear.
Daddy had just gotten back to the school after coaching his football game.
He and Coach Greene were in the parking lot listening to college football
games on the radio.
Mommy called Daddy telling him I think the baby is coming!
Daddy said no way, it is 2 weeks early, so he continued to hang out with
Coach Greene and listen to that game on the radio.
When Daddy came home Mommy said really the baby is coming.
So daddy drove us to the was a long way....20 minutes.
Guess, what? Mommy was right!
Our first child was born and life has never been sweeter!
Happy 9th Birthday
Campbell Abram Price!