Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hiring anyone?

Chloe was so excited to help out at the JV football game the other night. She got to be the water girl! She was telling me that night when I was tucking her in for bed how she just can't decide if she wants to be a nurse like mommy when she grows up or a water girl. Big decisions ahead!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Campbell Price running for Presid*ent? Chloe Price Vice Pre*sident?

There has been a lot of presidenti*l talk in our house lately. I find it funny b/c last presidential vote they were so small they didn't even know what a president was and now they have ideas of their own as to what a presid*nt should do. So yesterday as we were driving to church Campbell and Chloe were discussing what they would do if they were president. This is what they came up with.

Monday-Miniature golf day.
Tuesday-Bowling day
Wednesday-Chuck e cheese day
Thursday-Free shopping day (per Chloe I like this one!)
Friday-Eat candy all day
Then I ask what about Sat and Sun? Campbell says "do president's have to work everyday?" I said well,Yes. Oh-that is really hard work. Then Cam and Chloe decide everything would be free for them and everyone else would have to pay.

Oh the life of an 8 and 6 yr old!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cooper is not so super

My poor sweet Cooper is a little under the weather the past couple days. So yesterday I decided of course after my pediatrician was closed to get him checked out b/c he would not stop crying. Well come to find out he has a viral infection causing sores to form all in his mouth and throat. Bless his little heart. He is sooo uncomfortable and miserable. My little chunk won't eat and can't sleep. :( His favorite past times. The bummer of it all is that we can't do anything to help him but give Tylenol/Motrin.

So basically Cooper is crabby and mommy is starting to get crabby. But I am thankful that I have a fussy, sleep deprived, irritable baby to love!

Cooper, we love you and are praying that you feel better soon! I sure miss your smile!

Daddy, Mommy, Campbell, and Chloe

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thessa what?

I love to listen in on my kids conversations. I was driving the kids to Awana's last night and I see in the rear view mirror Chloe throwing her pencil across the back seat and cross her arms and then get the "Look"! Which the " Look " is her furrowed eyebrows/angry face. So I ask her what is wrong? And she tells me that she just can't get her memory verse remembered. And that one word is sooo hard it just keeps leaving my head. (the word was Thessalonians that is even hard for me to say) I just encouraged her to do her best and if she can't get it this week we will try again next Wednesday. Well, she stilled looked madder than a hornet in the backseat. So I keep driving. Then I hear Campbell tell her "That word is even hard for me to say but Chloe I know you can do it just keep practicing. Let me help you Matthew, Mark, Luke, John," etc....... then she cheers up and starts to say it with him. ( she had to say all the books of the New Testament) I was just driving and smiling and thanking the Lord for my precious children who do love one another and want to see each other succeed. I dropped her off to her class and told her I would pray she could do it and to just try her best.

Well, I picked her up from her class and she was so excited she was able to say it and even that hard word!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Okay, I know my need of things to be neat and in order has extended upon my sweet innocent children. I go outside to check on my kids and this is what I see. They're version of playing with cars is to line them up in color order largest to smallest. What fun!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"P" for Price

My new favorite thing to look at in my house! I found this architectural "P" photo at a cool little shop a couple months ago. I have been on the hunt for the perfect frame and way to display it. When mom was here she helped me search high and low. When I have a bee in my bonnet.......well lets just say Mom and I went to home goods like 3 times in 5 days! LOVE that place. So anyways there it was the funky green frame and then I saw the bird easel (love birds these days) and new that my search was over! Whew. right mom? Since I can't paint or really decorate in my current housing situation these small little things bring me such joy!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hug anyone?

I just love this kid! Cheesy dorito fingers and face and all! I told myself I would not start Cooper early on chips but then he so cutely signs please and I can't resist. Plus his 2 older siblings can't tell him no! No wonder the youngest is always spoiled! Still love ya Jenna!

Friday, September 19, 2008


While mom was here we did a 1000 piece puzzle. It was sooo FUN. The kids enjoyed helping too. If you could imagine, Campbell would get a little frustrated with his lack of success at times and just try shoving a piece where it didn't belong. Where does his competitive nature come from? All week we would all just sit down and puzzle. It is so relaxing. We were glad we finished before mom had to leave.

It was so cute b/c mom actually cut out the picture of the puzzle from the cardboard box and then dumped the 1000 little pieces in a Ziploc bag and packed it in her suitcase. Now that took alot of thought and time. I wonder why I can't be more prepared when I travel..... then I remember I have to pack for 5, clean the house, and do the laundry before I can leave. My momma taught me well. Love and miss you mom! Come back soon.

P.S. Campbell did a great job taking pictures. My kids love to take pictures! They are getting pretty good.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dinner for two!

Oz + Me + dinner - 3 kids = DATE NIGHT.....I'm there!

My mom so kindly advised Oz and I to go out on a date while she was here and she would babysit. Love free babysitting! So we went out to a nice dinner just the 2 of us. No sippy cups, no diaper bags, no crayons and paper, no chix nuggets to order, no crying, no fighting, no "I have to go to the bathroom, again".....just me and my Oz! We talked and talked without interruption. I love going on a date with my hubby. Don't get me wrong, I love my 3 kids but....a few hours of just the 2 of us is always fun and much needed (especially during football season)! Thanks mom for watching the kids and thanks Oz for taking me out. You are the BEST!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gooooo Chiefs!

Friday night we took Nana Deb to Oz's football game. It was my 1st game of this season with Cooper. I usually have the neighbor girl come over to sit with Cooper. Let me say I didn't get to watch much of the game but I do know we WON! I had my neighbor tye-dye these shirts in Sequoyah colors! I thought they turned out pretty cute. Enjoy.........

Monday, September 15, 2008

Shopping with Mom!

Mom and I (and of course Cooper too) went to Marietta Square to shop. The square is full of fun little shops and antiques. We had a fun day. We didn't even spend any money. Who says window shopping is no fun?
We were inspired by this blue brick wall so we had to take some pics in front of it. I love robins egg blue! It matched Coopers blue eyes so nicely.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grandparents Day!

Nana Deb is here! I picked up my mom from the airport on Tuesday and she is staying with us for 10 days. Let me say the kids (and I) are so excited. This week was grandparents week at the kids school so Nana Deb and I went to eat lunch with the kids on Wednesday and pass out Campbell's birthday treat. Mom and I made cute little cut out pumpkin cookies. They were a hit! Now I have tried a few times to make my mom's famous cut-out cookies but have failed...so I have given up. Well come to find out I was missing an ingredient on my recipe card....baking soda....duh no wonder why they never turn out! Enjoy a few pics of lunch...Cafeteria Style!

Campbell passing out treats!

Campbell enjoying his pumpkin cookie!

Chloe and Nana Deb

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life as an 8 year old!

Today is Campbell's 8th birthday! Let me tell you the kid loves his birthday!(I don't know where he gets that from):) He talks about his birthday all year and tells us what he wants his next birthday party to be and what he wants.

This morning I decided to interview Campbell on his life as a now 8 year old.......

Q- So how does it feel to be the big "8"?
A-"it feels pretty good!"
Q- What is your favorite color?
A-"still blue,mom"
Q-What is your favorite food?
A-cinnamon rolls
Q-What is your favorite sport?
Q-What is your favorite team?
A-Bears and Colts
Q-What do you want to be when you get big?
A-"A football coach like daddy"
Q-What is your favorite memory in your whole 8 years of life?
A-"going to stone mountain with my 1st grade class for a field trip and when I broke my arm last year"
Q-What is your favorite thing to do?
A-pogo sticking

Here are a few of MY favorite memories of Campbell........
The first letter he wrote to daddy

My favorite mother's day gift

Campbell's first time going to VBS

I love seeing what he writes at school.


Monday, September 8, 2008


Need I say more?.....She defenitley fits her nick name "Chlobugs". Now go wash your hands!

(if you can't see it very well in the lady bug box it is one of those rolly polly bugs)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My friendly neighbor!

Meet Kelly....she is a little camera shy (note hiding behind the big book). Kelly is my neighbor and has become a great friend.

Dear Kelly,
Thank-you so much for ALWAYS sharing your nice things with me. You saved the day on Friday when you let me borrow your CAMERA for Campbell's party. You have also saved the day many other times......

1. Letting us use your lawn mower so we could mow our forest.

2. Letting us use your leaf blower when we had no rake.

3. Letting me borrow your computer to bid for things on e-bay.(this was a necessity)(and this was before the days I had a computer-I don't know how I survived!)

4. Babysitting Cooper whenever I need help.

5. Sharing your homemade yummy snacks (like peanut butter cake)

I take my hat off to you! THANKS for being a great neighbor and don't you dare go and move! (at least not before I do)


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Campbell's 8th birthday bash!

Friday night we had a tailgate birthday party for Campbell. He was able to pick 3 friends to come to Daddy's FB game and to sleep over. WOW boys sure do have a lot of hyper energy! I'm waiting with excitment at the bus stop for the boys to get off the bus and all of a sudden I see 3 screaming boys run right past me, up the sidewalk, and into the back yard to jump on the trampoline. Right then I was not sure what I signed up for! So I calmly go to the back yard and try to gently remind them of a few trampoline rules. Now I wasn't intending to spoil the fun but I didn't want to call any parents saying we were at the emergency room! I look out the back window and this is what I see........

I ask myself "do I remind them again or just get down on my knees and PRAY for protection." It is so hard to find the balance of just letting them have fun but helping them stay safe. Praise the Lord all went home today with no broken bones. Just 1 bleeding finger, 2 bruised heads, and alot of sweat and dirt!

So we get to the game and we have our little party on the practice field. The boys had fun running and playing football, eating some pizza and cupcakes, drinking pop(what was I thinking) check out this picture........

The boys had a great time cheering for the Chiefs. It was an exciting game. We went into double overtime and WON 35-34. We blocked the extra point! Yeah!!!! Here are some more pics of the game and my hubby coaching.......

I think I was cramping his style in this one!

We ended the night all tucked in up in the loft and watched a movie til they all fell asleep (finally at 1 am)

This morning good ole daddy got up at 5 am to pick up dunkin donuts for breakfast before he went off to work. Campbell told me this afternoon..."Mom this was the best birthday party ever! Even my friends told me so!" I love this boy. Well, I'm exhausted and ready for a nap!