Friday, September 19, 2008


While mom was here we did a 1000 piece puzzle. It was sooo FUN. The kids enjoyed helping too. If you could imagine, Campbell would get a little frustrated with his lack of success at times and just try shoving a piece where it didn't belong. Where does his competitive nature come from? All week we would all just sit down and puzzle. It is so relaxing. We were glad we finished before mom had to leave.

It was so cute b/c mom actually cut out the picture of the puzzle from the cardboard box and then dumped the 1000 little pieces in a Ziploc bag and packed it in her suitcase. Now that took alot of thought and time. I wonder why I can't be more prepared when I travel..... then I remember I have to pack for 5, clean the house, and do the laundry before I can leave. My momma taught me well. Love and miss you mom! Come back soon.

P.S. Campbell did a great job taking pictures. My kids love to take pictures! They are getting pretty good.


Ric-Rac Moments said...

Oh I wanna come back to Georgia, I miss you'all so much. Thanks for all the loves, hugs, and kisses. Hope it will hold me over until next time I visit. love mom

Martha Anne said...

GREAT Pics...Cam...Love the last one! =)Kinda funny Jess and I have a puzzle going on too!