Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I've been tagged by my sister! I am so not good at doing this. It is like a big report due just looming over my head. I was tagged a few weeks ago by my friend Heidi and I still haven't done it so lets just say this one will be for the both. O.K.? Deal!
So here it goes.....................
Here are the rules:Pick the 4th picture folder on your computer.Pick the 4th picture in that folder.Explain what the picture is about.Tag 4 blogging friends to do the same. Let me just admit I didn't follow the rules completely. I just bought a new camera so I have no files yet so I just closed my eyes and pulled out a random CD and here is what I got.

This picture just makes me all emotional. The kids came to the hospital to welcome their new little brother into our family! I remember it so vividly. Cooper was born on March 8th 2007. He was a whopping 9#1 ounce. So in this pic Campbell was 6 and Chloe was 4. What a special day. I just love the look on Chloe's face, just amazed, excited, and already so in love with her little brother. Now that is PRICEless!

So now I tag........Heidi J, my mom, Wendy, Curtis.

So come on guys, don't disappoint me!

O.K. so I have to add another picture just to show you how stinkin cute Cooper was (and still is)

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I can just smell him and just eat his delicious little cheeks! Boy they grow up so fast. Thanks Hez, it was fun to go through this CD.


sara said...

Oh my dear, Heidi! What a great pic. It is so perfect for that moment- Cooper looks like a 2 month old :) Really special.

I did not recognize you at first with the long hair !!!!

Hamilton Houseful said...

Campbell and Chloe look so little! I love those first memories at the hospital...so special!

The Johnson 5 said...

I love the look on Chloe's faces, it goes well with the first picture of her and Cooper. I love your hair also!
I will play along and I won't take as long as you did :)

Wendy said...

Ok I will do my best to do it soon! I think you tagged me b/c I have been soooooo behind on blogging--I have been blog-frozen and this could get me going again. ;) Love ya!