Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Cheer?

I have been super busy since we have been back from Indianapolis with unpacking, the never ending pile of laundry, and putting up the Christmas tree and the decorations.
I don't know about you but I remember as a kid the excitment of helping my mom put the ornaments on the tree and thinking how pretty the tree looked. I remember the excitement of when she would pull out all the boxes of Christmas decorations and the transformation throughout our home of Christmas wonderland.
I loved those memories as a kid and so I have these grand ideas of making the same great memories for my own children. Well, I think I failed big time. So I turn on the Christmas music and pull in the tree and all the boxes of ornaments and the kids are so excited to start decorating. I'm excited too, but consumed with how pretty and flowy the tree needs to look. But to my 2 anxious children, they don't care if 2 red ornaments are right next to each other etc... so I feel I start to get cranky, Oz is working on the computer and not really helping us, and Cooper is whining and I'm like....Is this really fun? This is SO not what I planned it to be like. Why do I have to be so anal about how the tree looks? I kept telling myself just let the kids do this and when they go to bed I'll just move around the ornaments. I"m so mad at myself for feeling like this and I know the kids realized it especially b/c Campbell told me I could not help him and Chloe decorate their little tree. Ugh. Maybe next year I will get it right.
So I wondered how did my mom just let us do what we wanted and not care? Well she recently revealed to me her secret....she rearranged the tree after we went to bed! See I come by it naturally.

Here is a picture of our tree.... with the leaning star that will Not sit straight.

I thought I would share a few of my other favorite decorations.................

I fear I get to wrapped up in all the stuff that comes with the, baking, decorating, Christmas cards, parties etc.....I really want to focus on the real meaning of Christmas, our Saviour's birth.... born to die for me, little ole' me. Thank you Lord for sending your son as a baby to die for my sins, forgive me for focusing on the little things that don't even matter. Help me to focus on you and instill that in my 3 precious children.


sara said...

First of all let me comment on your comment to me and say that you are one of those rotten people who look good without make-up and your hair done. I on the other hand do not- so that is why you are fine and I have to get up early!!!!

Second of all- I totally know what you are talking about with the Christmas tree!!!!!!!! For one, Dave really has no intention of doing any kind of decorating- and to be truthful -I would rather do it all myself too. The kids went crazy this year and I just walked behind them rearranging.

Your decor looks amazing and I love all of the red-- where did you get that red & white bird plate?!?!?!! I will run right out and buy one (TJ MAXX?!?! :)


I got the bird plate a Pier One Imports for only $5.oo. I saw it in several magazines and knew I just had to have it and I'm planning to use it all year!

The Johnson 5 said...

Everything looks BEAUTIFUL!

It is hard to let them just do it and not stop them from putting yet another star on the same branch!!
I do exactly what your momma said, I let them put their ornaments on and then go back and "fix" them! And honestly they never even know the difference.

If I were you I would talk to the kids about how your feeling and tell them just what you wrote here, so they can see that even mommies get caught up in all the hopala (not sure how to spell that :)And let them know that you have put yourself in check!!

De De said...

My poor kids wanted to help me decorate the tree also adn I sent them to the basement to decorate their tree. It worked out. Of course there memories will be of an anal mom. Oh well. The tree looks great and so do all the other decorations. I can't wait until we have muffins.

De De

Anonymous said...

looks cute! i've been spying that bird plate since oct.! it's now 20%...but i still can't buy it!
don't're making wonderful memories for the kids! we all have to make a conscience effort to stay focused on jesus!

Jenna said...

All your Christmas decorations look so pretty! I'm totally taking pictures of my stuff this year, so next year it won't take me four days to decorate!!

I have felt that same exact level of stress all week! I'm lucky enough to have two Christmas trees, so the whole "make it look perfect" feeling kind of goes away when I know I have my own tree in the next room. (which the kids know that they cannot touch it!)

I was actually laying on the couch last night watching t.v. and I couldn't keep my eyes of the kid's tree. I was admiring how much I loved the way it looked. Just this little skinny tree dripping with all the kid's annual ornaments and their handmade ones. It makes them feel so special that they have their own ornaments to hang. They get so excited when the decoration boxes come out. Riley gets right to work and organizes everybody's ornaments. Then they each have their own pile to work with.

Okay, with all the time it took me to comment, I could have updated my own blog!!!

Love you! You're a great mom with more paitence than me. I could learn a thing or two from you. ;)

Ric-Rac Moments said...

Your decorations look BEAUTIFUL. You have such a KNACK for decorating. It seems we're not the only annal moms about our CHRISTMAS TREE and Decorations. Your kids will always remember the fun and excitment of putting up the tree and decor. Your a GREAT mom.