Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Push over?!?!

It has already been one of those mornings. I have given myself the bad mother of the year award. It is only 9 a.m. and just couldn't listen to Cooper's whinning any more. So, I gave in and let him have the chocolate covered pretzel he has been spying since he woke up.

I must say, It was totally worth it!


sara said...

He is so cute!!! You are not a bad Mother- it is what Christmastime is for.

That reminds me of Skye and how she had been begging me to watch a video since 7am, and how I caved in at 9am.

Anonymous said...

where are the rules that state no goodies before lunch?!!! i think that's just a myth. definitely time to throw that one out the window. he's not the only one that wants to start eating junk that early! just think of it as a donut!

Wendy said...

how cute - so now I feel much better about letting Whitney eat the Key Lime Pie we made last night today for breakfast. :) Ok, so that is what I had too. :)

Love the pics and the update! The nativity trip looked so fun too!

The Johnson 5 said...

Don't feel bad girl, Hannah almost missed the bus yesterday because she was trying to finish her candy cane that Kris Kringle!!

Ric-Rac Moments said...

Oh My I can't quit LAUGHING.. What a precious face. Big Kisses from Nana Debb