Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You and Me.....

What a long week. Oz has been in Nashville for the last 4 days at a football convention. So I have been a single mom for the last few long days.
I am so thankful for my other half. I need him, the kids need him. I don't know how single parents do it.
I just noticed by the last couple of days how my patience seemed thin, my exhaustion, lack of compassion, and just the inability to make one more decision. I was getting a little discouraged with myself as a mom.

And then he comes home..................
And fills in the pieces that I have been lacking in...................
What a perfect fit we are!


sara said...

That picture of Chloe is priceless!

I know exactly what you mean- Dave was gone Tuesday night. I feel bad b/c I just keep putting videos in for them to watch. I would be a REALLY bad single mom. Glad Oz's back and you are happy :)

Anonymous said...

what was up with miss clo=bugs?

welcome back oz! ;)

Anonymous said...

I SO know what you mean!!! Love the husband, love him. Glad he is home safely!