Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Off and ready to start another day of
school! Tuesday here we come.....
Watching morning cartoons is their reward for getting
ready on time and with a happy heart!
This is a little difficult for the one with the
pink backpack. She must get her
non-morning person from
her mother!
Happy Smiles....
Happy Tuesday........
In 2 Tuesdays from now we will be playing
in the sun and sand! YIPPEE!!!!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Summer of 69 Thrift Store Refashion Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

All I can say is WOW and oh how I wish I could sew!!! I am inspired by this gals
creativity and I love her fashion sense. I really hope I am wearing this dress
this summer. I'm gonna cross my fingers!!!!!!!

Summer of 69 Thrift Store Refashion Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring has sprung!!!!!!

Yeahhhhh!!!! The weather has been so beautiful the past few days.

The Bradford pear trees are blooming....so pretty.

The daffodils in the backyard are blooming.

I just love this time of year!!!!

Spring is in the air. Ahhhh
and it sure smells good!!!!

hAppY SpRiNg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

cOOpEr's tWo!!!!

Look who just turned 2!
Wow.....time sure does go by fast.
We just love our little Cooper so much.
Not sure if we are ready for
those terrible two's....
but those pretty blue eyes and his
big smile....he get's me
every time.
Happy birthday!
We had a birthday party last night with a few of our friends.
Just wanted to share our fun with you!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Threading anyone????

threading-a way to shape and beautify ones eyebrows by means of thread
causing severe pain,
burning and the urge to yelp!

Meet my good friend Heather.......

She has NEVER waxed or done much to her eyebrows.

So she agreed to come with me to the mall yesterday

and get her eyebrows threaded. I am a veteran

at getting my brows threaded, waxed...you name it

I've done it. I'm obsessed with the neatness of

my furry eyebrows.

Anyways.....she was a good sport and it was hilarious to watch and listen to her!


See, doesn't she look beautiful?!?!

She made it! Not sure if she will EVER do it again!!
But I have to say I'm glad we did it together....
I needed the laugh!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Silly kids!

Yep, I know it.....my kids are a little Bapticostal!

HappY Tuesday!!!!