threading-a way to shape and beautify ones eyebrows by means of thread
causing severe pain,
burning and the urge to yelp!
Meet my good friend Heather.......
She has NEVER waxed or done much to her eyebrows.
So she agreed to come with me to the mall yesterday
and get her eyebrows threaded. I am a veteran
at getting my brows threaded, name it
I've done it. I'm obsessed with the neatness of
my furry eyebrows.
Anyways.....she was a good sport and it was hilarious to watch and listen to her!
She made it! Not sure if she will EVER do it again!!
But I have to say I'm glad we did it together....
I needed the laugh!
Yes, Heather you look BEAUTIFUL...But I want to know are you two still GOOD FRIENDS....Remember...A Friend Loves at all TIMES:)
Thank Heidi! I've never had a friend quite as loyal and compassionate as you. First of all, you "imply" that I might need to get my eyebrows threaded, then you take pictures and laugh while I'm being torchered, and THEN you post picturs for the world to see! Just kidding. It was definitely time to go, thanks for you honesty. I am happy with the results, however, I'm still pondering whether it was worth it.
Still your friend,
please excuse the typos....I am in a hurry!
I have heard of that but never tried it- is it more painful than waxing? I get mine waxed once in awhile and my skin stays red for a good long while.
You are funny! Now the next time you get yours done- we want pictures of that!
wish i could have joined the fun! ;) i never had time to do mine today. just waxing, though. the threading is quite the experience....a painful one!!!
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