Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yes, I know it has been a while since my last post but life has been busy.
Ya know like going to the BEACH!

Oh what fun we had! We went to Miami to visit my sister and her family. What a great week we had playing with the cousins.

Hez and I got to get out and get our Anthropologie fix and do some other shopping.

The daddy's were so good to stay home (watch ESPN) and monitor the kids! What good hubby's we have.

The week went fast but we enjoyed our time relaxing at the beach and hanging out with family.

Can't wait til' next time!
Now it is time to finish all that laundry
and get ready for Cuz' Jessie to come.....Yeah!!!!!
Oh, and we have a little girl who will be
turning 7 this week.
exciting week ahead full of more
Priceless memories!


sara said...

Cute, Cute pics!!!!! I am SO jealous of the anthropologie shopping!!!!!! you better show what you bought!

Sarah said...

I LOVE the cousins picture!!! So adorable....they will love to look at it years from now.