Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I think Cooper has really enjoyed his one-on-one time with mommy since the older 2 have gone back off to school. I just love this kid. To be very honest, there have been times when I wondered...now why did we have one more (don't ever tell this to Cooper)???? He just started off into this world with a chip on his shoulder. He was easily aggitated (MMMM Chloe), colicky, didn't like to sleep, he was hard to feed and on top of it all Oz gets a new job and we move hundreds of miles away from my parents who so willingly helped me calm this crying child. My dad would just take Cooper out on the porch swing and just talk with him and Cooper would just fall asleep. My Dad just loved this time with Cooper. Don't get me wrong about this moving thing. I am so happy here in Ga and God has been so good to us with our housing situation(for those of you who don't know it took 1 year for our house in Indy to sell so we have been renting from the kindest family in the world), our church (we love Pastor Hunt-FBCW), great friends through MBBC, our neighborhood, and church. We have fallen in love with where God has placed us and would really hate to move anywhere else. But anyways back to Cooper....he has come a long ways. He is such a happy and friendly baby always waving to people and he has the best laugh! He is a great little sleeper (even though he would not do the baby wise thing). Cooper is now 17 mos old and in to EVERYTHING! For instance the other day he is walking around with a knife in his little hand....not a butter knife a STEAK knife. He is so fast. I look away for a second and he gets into the knife drawer!!!! I never had to really baby proof my house for the older 2 but Cooper is his own little self. It has been fun watching the older 2 enjoy him. Chloe just LOVES him (almost to death). She just can't wait to love on him when she gets home from school. She loves to fill up his juice cup and feed him snacks. She is such a little mommy! Campbell loves to wrestle and play ball (dodge ball-Cooper being the target) with Cooper. Cooper just loves to hear Cam's voice and just goes running to him. I pray they will always be the best of friends and always look out for one another. When we found out God was blessing our family with 1 more we had just sold all our baby equipment, the other 2 were buckling themselves in their seatbelts, everyone was potty trained so we felt like we were back to square 1. But you know, Oz or I wouldn't have it any other way. We love this little boy to death and are so excited to see what God has planned for his little life. As I'm reading this-Little and Cooper don't usually go together. He is such a beast and started out a big ole 9# baby. You just can't help but kiss those chubby cheeks!:) God is so good.
The other morning he was so cute and playful I just had to take some pics of him and thought I'd share a few.......... does this child look just like his daddy or what?

Here a just a couple of examples of Chloe loving Cooper to death....:)


The Johnson 5 said...

he is the CUTEST little or not so lttle thing EVER!! Those cheecks and THIGHS get me everytime!!

sara said...

That was a great post. It is funny but we didn't think we would have a third child either, but it is almost like the bigger the sacrifice- the bigger the blessing!! I know that is the way Skye is for us, just like "little" Cooper is for you :)

Anonymous said...

love that guy! i want to squeeze him as much as clo! ;)

Wendy said...

How awesome for you to acknowledge where God has brought you and WHO He has brought you...each of your 3precious children for a very specific purpose. Thanks for sharing your heart and love for Cooper on this one! Love the pictures.

Martha Anne said...

he is his daddys boy.....cute kid! =)