Monday, August 3, 2009


Well, that time of year has come!
The smell of new books,
loading up our new backpacks!(thanks to Nana Deb and Popper Spike)
lacing up those new school shoes,
listening to the squealing of the school bus,
excitement of seeing our old friends
and making new ones too!
Excited to see what mom packed in our lunch box.

School has begun!

Ready or NOT
Here we come.....
ready to tackle 3rd and 2nd grade!

And then there is poor, little, lonely Cooper.....

Happy to have his momma all to
himself again!


Anonymous said...

how cute! did you get chloe's outfit at gap? i had it in my hand for emma...and i love cam's! ;) have a restful time this afternoon!

sara said...

Doesn't Chloe look ADORABLE! Tell her Miss Sara wants to borrow her outfit :)

I saw the yellow plate at Pier One! I thought of you-- And I thought of you when we were at TJ Maxx too. Wish we could get together to shop and take our kids to Chick Fil A :) !!!!