Tuesday, April 20, 2010

eIgHt is GrEaT!!!!!

(cute little birthday outfit made by Grandma Deb-Loove it!)

Our little Chlobugs is 8! Wow, where did the
last 8 years go? I just love this little
girl and so thankful for her sweet spirit and
tender heart. God has truly blessed our family and entrusted
us to raise Chloe up to love and honor Him. We pray she will
do just that with her life!

Happy 8th Birthday Chloe!
We love you so much!
Nana Deb and Popper, Cooper, and I went to eat lunch with Chloe

and take some special birthday treats for the class.

Chloe serving up ice cream to her classmates and Nana made her
special cut out cookies (which I can't believe we forgot to take a pic of)!

Thanks Nana and popper for coming to celebrate

chloe's day with us! love to you!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

cOoPeR turns tHrEe!!!!

Super Cooper is 3!
We had such a fun little birthday party yesterday with a couple of
his little friends.
Cowboy was the theme!

Look at that cake! My sweet friend Kelly offered to make it for me.
She is amazing! Thanks Kelly!

The little cowboys and cowgirls ate pigs-n-blankets and macaroni and cheese!

We also played a little game of pin the tail on the horse (donkey)!
It was pretty interesting with six 2-4 year olds!

Cooper loved opening his presents! He sure got the hang of it by the end!
What sweet little friends he has to bring him such nice gifts.

Fun was had by all!
Especially our little 3 year old Cowboy!

Monday, December 21, 2009

MeRRy ChriSTmaS!!!!!!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
So will this darling picture make up for the fact
I dropped the ball this year on mailing out Christmas cards???
I can't believe everyone is smiling so cutely! See when I'm not trying
to get the perfect picture, look what happens!!
oh, and here is a little peek of Campbell and Chloe's Christmas concert at church.
Gotta love Chloe just singing her heart out.
Campbell was on the other side but I did get a little side shot of him. I could tell he was
looking for us....we sat on the other side of the church that night....
not or usual spot. Oops.

Friday, October 30, 2009

We enjoyed a trip to the pumpkin patch a couple weekends ago!
What fun we had....
Look at my cute little pumpkins!

This last picture is at Walmart. This is where we actually bought our pumpkins.
Can you believe how much they charge for a pumpkin at those
pumpkin patches??????
We found one for $95! WOW!
Gotta love Walmarts $4.50 pumpkins and the kids
sure are excited just to pick the perfect one!

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Cooper LOVES his little lunch box Nana Deb sent to him!
He was so excited to take his OWN lunch when we
went to eat lunch with Campbell at school!
HE had to carry it from the house,
in the car,
and into the school!
and he surprisingly didn't open it and eat it all
before we got to the school!

Let's dig in!!!!!!!
Boy, I sure do love these boys!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Campbell is 9!!!!!

As I interviewed Cambpell on this morning of his 9th birthday I asked him What do
you want to be when you get big?
He says "a pro football player but if I have to retire early, a doctor!"
Happy 9th Birthday
to our future football player!
I had to share this picture of him b/c it goes along well with the story of the day
I went into labor with him, which he LOVES to hear.
Daddy had just gotten back to the school after coaching his football game.
He and Coach Greene were in the parking lot listening to college football
games on the radio.
Mommy called Daddy telling him I think the baby is coming!
Daddy said no way, it is 2 weeks early, so he continued to hang out with
Coach Greene and listen to that game on the radio.
When Daddy came home Mommy said really the baby is coming.
So daddy drove us to the hospital...it was a long way....20 minutes.
Guess, what? Mommy was right!
Our first child was born and life has never been sweeter!
Happy 9th Birthday
Campbell Abram Price!

Monday, August 17, 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year.....


Football has begun!
Not only for Oz but Campbell
is playing this year.
My life right now revolves around FOOTBALL!
We had a fun weekend filled with football.
Oz had his 1st scrimmage Friday night.

We had a rough game....but it was only a scrimmage,
RIGHT?.....Only if Oz felt that way!

At least these two don't care about the scoreboard!

Daddy needs these smiling faces!

On Saturday we had a full afternoon at
Campbell's jamboree. This is a practice
day where each team plays four 20 minute games with
different teams in the league.
Campbell did a great job and had a blast.
He was even wishing the day wasn't over!

I've gotta say.....I was ready for the
day to be over! It was HOT and Cooper needed
a nap in a BAD way!
but....I would not have wanted to be anywhere else!